"The" Place for Original U.S. Landowner Maps

Two sections (2 square miles) showing landowners.
Welcome to the home of the Family Maps series of Land Patent Books and the Texas Land Survey Maps series. These books are published by county for over 500 counties (so far), and display original settlers indexed by either the U.S. Bureau of Land Management or the Texas General Land Office.

These are one-of-a-kind, customized maps created by attorney, software engineer, and family historian, Gregory A. Boyd. For the first time, you can locate your ancestor's Federal or Texas land purchase by simply finding them in one of our indexes, which direct you to a map of first-land-owners. And now you can learn who your ancestors' neighbors were or the history of settlement in area of interest to you! The Family Maps and Texas Land Survey Maps books are a helpful visual reference tool that make your landowner and parcel-boundary research easier than ever.
Portion of a Cooke County, Texas Land Parcel map.


Did you know that all our books combined map approximately 1.5 million landowners? Would you believe that our subscription service, HistoryGeo.com maps over 12 million landowners? See why HistoryGeo.com gives you the most comprehensive view of frontier settlement in map-form available anywhere.


We are currently shipping hardbound books to libraries all over the country. Contact Vicki Boyd in our office for more information. Your patrons will be shaking your hand and shouting for joy when they find never-before discovered clues in your Family Maps book collection. You should see the kinds of praise our researchers are sending us daily! We will customize a Standing Order Program just for you and have already done so for dozens of libraries nationwide. You set the criteria and we ship on time. Set a dollar limit (by month or year), a geographical limit (by state(s)), a volume-count limit---whatever you choose. We aim to please.


To find out what makes our books such invaluable research tools, check out to our downloadable book excerpts.


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